6 Reasons Why Business Video Animation Is Highly Effective

28 Jan 6 Reasons Why Business Video Animation Is Highly Effective

6 Reasons Why Business Video Animation Is Highly Effective

The animation industry is known to be one of the rapidly-growing and dynamic fields. 

Animation is something much more than “The Avengers” and Disney’s “Frozen”, it has evolved to be a significant part of various industries, including marketing

In the modern era, it has evolved to be a source of effective communication which directly influences the Return on Investment for numerous brands and companies. 

In a wide array of marketing techniques and campaigns, the one which has the potential to capture the attention of the audience is animation. 

According to Nielsen Research, the average time a user spends on your website is a split of a second, especially if there is no reason to stay. 

With that notion, animations are a perfect tool for attracting visitor to your site and communicating your business message, their key benefits and features of the products. 

Animations allow the brand to tell a story, whether it is about your product and services or your customers. 

With video animation, you can share a compelling message with the audience through a creative medium, connect with them and persuade them to take action. 

However, video marketing is no cakewalk. It requires a strategic plan, a compelling script and proper execution to achieve better results. 

The key to craft a great video is in the first ten seconds of the video. This part is called the hook, which is critical as it gives the user a reason to stay by clearly stating the message of the video. 

How does video animation work? 

How Does Video Animation Work

Let’s look at some stats to understand the influence of animation on the audience. 

It is a fact that only 20% of the audience remembers the information they read, and 10% remembers the facts they have heard. 

In contrast, studies have shown that readers pay close attention to the content, which contains informative images. 

In fact, when these images carry information, they spend more time looking at the pictures than reading the text. 

According to some psychological studies, it can be proved that visual information is processed 60,000 times faster than the written words. 

Based on the numbers mentioned above, it can be stated that texts and audios are less effective in delivering a message as compared to visual content.

Animated videos, on the other hand, contains verbal and visual content which allows the people to articulate more information in less time as compared to reading. 

You get a chance to win the attention of the audience within ten seconds of the video. 

How do Animated Videos work for businesses? 

Animaker Animation Tool

For businesses and brands, marketing with animated videos can help break new ground in reaching different market segments. 

Entrepreneurs put their all into producing the perfect product. However, even the best outcome is likely to fail if not marketed in the right way. 

Video animation as a growing trend provides struggling entrepreneurs to market their products in a very demanding digital world. 

With the help of video animation, the potential customers conceive the desired information of the brand, which not only influence them to take action but also increases the brand’s recognition and personality

The best possible way to get it right is through hiring experienced video animation service providers who can craft an original animated video to explain your services to the customers. 

Still not convinced? Here are six reasons why business animations are highly effective in marketing. 

1. Video animation can boost conversions and sales

First things first, animations may be a little expensive for hiring an animation company, but it can provide a good return on investment. 

Adding videos to the landing page can increase conversions and lead directly to sales

Studies show that 74% of the users watching business animation video about a product successively bought the services. 

The fact is that your animated video doesn’t have to be perfect. 

However, the content that makes the images conceivable is something that matters. 

According to some studies, the users are mostly put off by animations which don’t explain the products and services in clear words or action. 

Consider video animation as a pizza—when it’s terrible, it’s still pretty good to eat! 

A low quality animated video or poor design doesn’t matter to an extent. Still, the message that you are trying to communicate must be clearly delivered to achieve the desired result.  

2. Video animation can build trust

Video Call Meeting

Trust is the foundation of conversions and sales. 

Gaining the trust of the audience should be the priority of any business. 

The base of content marketing relies on trust and making long-term relations with customers. 

It is essential to stop selling the product to the audience instead present them with relevant information which can help the potential customers to become your regular clientele. 

According to Mark Schaefer:

“The new era demands a focus on ignition, not just content, on trust, not just traffic, and on the elite people in your audience who are spending and advocating your content.”

Mark Schaefer

Video animations do it all! It just doesn’t engage the audience, but ignite emotions. 

Various forms of videos used for marketing contains different elements which don’t only simplify a message of the brand but also evokes the potential customers to take action. 

3. Conveys complex information in a simplistic way

The most compelling stories and videos are ones which are relevant for the audience. 

Without relevance or connection of the message with the audience, your potential customers might have a difficult time understand what you have to offer, which ultimately impacts business sales and conversions. 

This where an animated video becomes the best tool for video marketing. 

Entrepreneurs use video animation for its ability to describe complex ideas simply and creatively. 

For example, if a technology wants to explain how a particular product works, they can use tutorial video animation as a perfect solution to break down the complex points into simple and visual aids assisting the audience. 

When combined with a compelling script, animation can simplify the brand’s message makes the video more relatable for the audience. 

4. Google loves videos

Youtube Suggested Video

Video animation allows you to increase the time spent by visitors on the site, thus more prolonged exposure to visual content, the quicker will to send signals to search engines that your site has good content. 

According to research, you are 53 times more likely to show up first in Google if your site has video content on it. 

Take YouTube, for example. Google owns YouTube and having an animated video on YouTube can significantly increase the effectiveness and your business ranking on the search engines. 

However, it is essential to make sure that your animated video is optimised for SEO. Write engaging titles and description. Provide a link back to your website, products and services to influence the customers to take the next step. 

5. Animations save time and money 

Unlike live-action videos, animations don’t age that quickly. 

Live-actions are extremely expensive and look outdated after a couple of years. 

Choosing animations doesn’t only save money as it will remain fresher-looking for longer and will need to be updated less frequently. 

Also, an animated video can express the business message in a matter of minutes which could take hours to read or simply listening to. 

Therefore, by investing in an animated video, you can save time as well as money. 

Another benefit of animations is that it doesn’t require human actors or cameras and a team of people to shoot a video, it only requires a writer and an animator to create a compelling video for the brand. 

It doesn’t appeal only to a certain age or race; it is meant for people belonging to all ages and eras. 

The appeal of animation is what makes it vital for businesses as the internet is a fast and global marketplace. The wider reach, the better the identity.

6. It can help you stand out in the competition

What Is Social Video Marketing

Digital marketing is continually transforming into the competitive marketplace, and brands and businesses must stand out of the crowd of companies. 

An animated video, being a creative way to convey the message to the people, can easily set you apart from the competition. 

It doesn’t only convey your brand message, but it helps in creating an excellent impression on the audience. 

Animations—a useful marketing tool

With all the facts stated, it can be concluded that animated videos are a valuable marketing tool that can facilitate in promoting the business as well as your product. 

However, not all animations have the potential to go viral. 

It is essential to think creatively and try different ideas for your videos to become popular with the masses. 

Consider your options and make sure to understand various styles of animation for a better return on investment. 

Once you have set your goals, consider hiring a video animation company to make the best animation video for your brand. 

If you haven’t considered video animation as a part of your marketing plan, it is high time to use the creative animations to add a competitive edge to your business.  

Author Bio: Colors and designs were the first passion that I had. It took me years to become a master of this art. With four years of experience in the industry of animation and serving as a senior creative artist at Animation Dok, I am also playing my part in promoting the field through my posts and blogs.

The post 6 Reasons Why Business Video Animation Is Highly Effective is by Stuart and appeared first on Inkbot Design.